Blog entry #1: an in class trial

In your opinion, what is beautiful about America?
on August 29, 2007 at 7:14 PM

In my opinion, America is beautiful because of it's differences. There are so many different kinds of people, with different opinions, and different's not like in some other countries where almost everything is the same. People look the same, people worship the same...but in America you're never sure what to expect. I also think that the rights we have like freedom of speech make America beautiful, even though people don't always choose to use those rights and sometimes they face opposition.
on August 29, 2007 at 7:27 PM

This may sound cheesey and typical, but America is beautiful because we do have the freedom to do whatever we want (mostly.) This allows us to be whoever we want, to do whatever we want, and to make anykind of life that we choose for ourselves. There are so many opportunities to be had, as well as amazing things to take advantage of. For example, America is a great place to come and go to school. Lots of non-Americans come here to get a better education or to make a better life for themselves, which does say something about America as a country. People come here to have a better life. It seems that no matter how unfair the cards you were dealt, there's always another option to seek out.
on August 29, 2007 at 9:32 PM

When I think of America, I don't think of the slums that are in almost every city, I don't think of the 500 different gangs that roam the streets. No, instead, I think of diverse people living in unison, and agreeing with the idea of Freedom.
Although we take it for granted, America is a great place to live. We are provided with education, as well as being able to have an open mind.
America is a place of opportunity, where we are able to think what we want to about religion, politics, etc. American society is not afraid to say what they are thinking, which makes me proud to live in it.
on August 29, 2007 at 9:35 PM

I think America the country is so appealing and beautiful to other people (this may not be so true now but defiantly was from all the way back to 1500s-1900s) is because it is a clean slat. Millions of miles full of any kind of land to build any family and life. If you think about it America is the only country that has had only one war on its land (some things down south but) none of which have been about culture and religion too much. What that means is that you can go any where in America and not thought any differently about save for race years ago; whereas in Europe there have been tensions that have been around for 1000s of years. In the American Government the beautiful thing is in the fact that we are freer than any other nation on the world until the 40s or so once other countries started taking up after our example. That is why a servant like worker in a poor country can come to America and have the same rights as Bill Gates.
on August 29, 2007 at 9:38 PM

America is beautiful for everything it represents and stands for. We are a country where you can say what you want, worship as you please, and have equal opportunity no matter who you are. We have some of the best schools in the world, and education that many countries envy. America is an opportunity for anyone who's willing to take advantage of it. That's why people die in trying to get over these borders.
on August 29, 2007 at 10:22 PM

So many aspects of America are beautiful, but I think what really makes us stand out among other countries is the fact that we work so well as a country. For example, after the Virginia Tech shootings just about the entire country was there to send a positive message of some sort for those involved. It really made me realize that people are good, and how amazing this country was to stop everything they were doing and just think about what had happened. The whole country was at Virginia Tech's side through the whole ordeal, and were able to put college affiliations and whatnot aside to lend support.
on August 30, 2007 at 7:26 AM

I think America is beautiful because of its landscape. It really is inspiring. Then this inspiration can be used to bring people together. E.g. the song O Beautiful, inspired by American lanscape, has become a patriotic song that almost every person in America knows.
on August 30, 2007 at 1:43 PM

I think America is beautiful because of its diversity. There are so many different types of people and different backgrounds coming from them. I also think America is most beautiful because Americans accept the mixture of these different backgrounds. I think how the land is so unique. It goes from farmlands to big cities in less than a hundred miles sometimes, and I think thats what makes it beautiful, just because it is so different from other countries in the world. Our rights are what makes America beautiful too. We have the Bill of Rights, which allows us to say, write and think what we want (to some extent), without being punished.
on August 30, 2007 at 1:43 PM

America is beautiful for many reasons. It is physically a beautiful country, with a variety of different climates and ecosystems. In the West you have the vast deserts of Nevada, to the South you have the humid bayou of Louisiana, and to the Northwest you have the lush, wooded mountains of Montana (to name a few locales). Another reason it is beautiful is because of us Americans, and the rights we have. We are free people who live among each other as equals and that is a beautiful thing.
on August 30, 2007 at 1:44 PM

I think America is Beautiful because it of its landscape, its freedoms, and its people. Landscape speaks for itself, the wide range of landscpaes from deserts to plains to coustlines to mountains to tundra to volcanoes. Its freedoms allow acceptance in religions and beleifs. Americans are of many origins, thats what made our country in the first place. It is a land where we all live together in a new kind of harmony, imperfect harmony at best. Our literature is unique, our art is unique, and our history is unique. GO AMERICA!!
on August 30, 2007 at 1:45 PM

America is beautiful for a variety of reasons, many of which are physical things. It goes way beyond this in my opinion though. first of all, the physical things include things like the Grand Canyon, Niagara falls, just about every mountain range, pretty much all of nature. Manmade things are also beautiful though. Things such as cities at night, towns and bridges are quite beautiful. Some less concrete things that I feel are beautiful are the freedom to express ourselves how we want and be who we want to be here, as well as the fact that there is a mixture of so many different peoples. The fact that every religion and every race can live together in one nation in peace is quite a beautiful thing.
on August 30, 2007 at 1:47 PM

America is beautiful because of a lot of reasons. It contains and incredilbly large and diverse population that is growing every day. When people think of America, they think of the land of the free and the land of oppurtunity. It truely is, there is no limits on what people can accomplish in America. Also the land scape of the country is amazing, it ranges from the Atlantic ocean to the Great Lakes and then to the Pacific Ocean and the Red Wood Forrest.
on August 30, 2007 at 1:48 PM

To me America is beautiful because of the diversity. Diversity in everything, people, culture, weather, and lifestyles. But, for the most part, everyone is united under a common patriotic spirit no matter there background.
on August 30, 2007 at 1:49 PM

America has many characteristics that make it both beautiful and superior. We have a large diversity of land, which extends from the tropical climate of Florida, to the bitter cold of Alaska. This diversity makes every part of America different and unique.
on August 30, 2007 at 1:50 PM

America in itself is very beautiful with features and landscapes unlike others in the world. Today however much of are country has been exploited by for profit and opportunity. The untainted and uninhibited areas in the Rocky Mountains or Blue Ridge Mountains are amazing and full of life yet the populated areas we see every day change people’s perception of our country. As I mentioned, rather than seeing America for its beauty, people have rather begin to see it for its opportunity hence exploiting and overlooking Americas beauty.
on September 3, 2007 at 6:49 PM

What strikes me as most beautiful about America are it's beaches, mountains, and plains. Where it is not inhabited on the plains, the great sweeping expanses of grass is gorgeous, unfortunately this land is being "eaten up" rapidly by industrialization. The mountains remain often untouched simply because the are not as easy to build on, and they are truely amazing sights. Lastly, the beaches of America are beautiful because you can just look out over the waves and see for miles and miles and miles.
on September 3, 2007 at 7:48 PM

In my opinion America is beautiful because of its great amounts of diversity. As Amerians we all come together sharing many different cultures, races, and religion. We all come from different backgrounds but we are able to share and experiance new ones. We are entilted to several rights - rights that others do not have in other countries. Also America's great geography. From farms to cities, moutains to deserts, lakes and rivers, and the various creatures that inhabit them - is what makes America unique.
on September 3, 2007 at 10:24 PM

America is one incredible, flavorful mixing bowl, and that's why it is so beautiful. Not only does it carry a vast amount of different cultures and races, but its scenery is also very diverse- ranging from deserts to snowy mountains to beautiful beaches.
on September 4, 2007 at 12:19 AM

America is beautiful for so many reasons. We have a diverse culture that, for the most part, is accepting of one another. We do not have huge racism issues like other countries do. We are free. Men and women are viewed as equals. There are not huge problems with prejudice or sexist behavior. We have a huge range of cultures and races all brought together as one. We learn from different cultures, but more importantly, accept them. Then, of course, the climate. There is a range from freezing cold, to temperate, to tropical, to hot. There is a diverse terrain. All of these things are beautiful. The patriotism that the citizens of America exhibit is truly something to be proud of.
on September 4, 2007 at 11:08 AM

I think America is beautiful because of all of the diversity among our population as well as the freedoms we all share. Also, everybody can find their own definition of the word in America's vastly diverse landscape. Most would quote "America the Beautiful" and say that at least one of those verses describes a physical beauty of America, others could find it anywhere else; for some reason a song by Bruce Springsteen comes to mind (don't ask me why...), one line of which is "smokestacks reaching like the arms of God into an orange sky of soot and clay". Some find beauty in purple mountain ranges, others find it in a post-industrial mining town, the point of it is that anybody can find their own definition of the word in America.
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